The Advantages of Partnering with SAERO: A Guide for HR in Multinational Companies in Korea
    • Date2023/11/23 08:59
    • Read 296

    When HR issues arise in multinaitonal companies("MNC") located in Korea, they can face unique challenges due to the distinct characteristics that differentiate them from general local companies in Korea.

    Especially in cases where a small branch or office operates in Korea without a dedicated Korean HR team, relying instead on HR roles managed by overseas offices, it can be difficult to handle unforeseen situations.


    In this post, we will explain why HR teams in MNC need Labor Law Firm Saero, and the benefits of entering into a regular labor advisory contract.


    1. Issues HR in MNC Faces

    • Instances where labor issues need to be promptly reported to foreign representatives or stakeholders at overseas branches
    • Situations where adherence to global guidelines create legal risks in Korea
    • Cases involving harassment or disciplinary matters where high-ranking employees such as department heads or executives are involved, leading to investigations directly managed by the global team or requests for periodic interim reports from experts
    • The need for comprehensive review and decision-making due to the use of various documents in both Korean and English, such as employment contracts, Rules of Employment, disciplinary rules, HR policies, Code of Conduct, and Employee Handbooks
    • Situations where practical experience and tips from other MNCs are required


    2. Why SAERO Stands Out as Your Choice

    Labor Law Firm Saero, with all its representative certified public labor attorneys, possesses specialized knowledge and tips in both legal issues and practical practices, based on their experience in advising MNCs accross various industries such as finance, automotive, retail, pharmaceutical, certifiaciton, and F&B.


    When drafting or reviewing English documents, we do not simply rely on translation services but ensure thorough writing and review to align the original meaning and nuances.

    Furthermore, we can offer efficient assistance by attending meetings directly with global headquarters or branch stakeholders when advice or reports are needed.


    We conduct all projects in English including the following:

    • Sexual harassment and workplace harassment investigation in English and preparation of English reports.
    • Onboarding advisory for foreign exeucitives and employees
    • Offline English lectures on sexual harassment and workplace harassment
    • Advice on HR committes and disciplinary committes


    3. Benefits of Signing a Monthly Advisory Contract with SAERO

    If you enter into a monthly advisory contract with us, we all provide a simple labor diagnostic service worth KRW 1,000,000 for free.

    Through this service, we diagnose legal risks based on the company's current HR and labor systems, as well as practices.

    Many companies have been highly satisfied with our services as we help identify potential risks that they were completely unaware of.


    The key items we check include:

    • Employment Contracts (including probationary documents)
    • Rules of Employment
    • Wages
    • Annual Leave
    • Working Hours, Holidays
    • Labor-Management Council
    • Mandatory employee training
    • Issues related to discrimination


    For any questions, please contact us using 'CONTACT US' section at the bottom of our webpage or click on the image below to send an email directly to